There’s a lot that converting a bathtub into a shower can do for you, no matter your needs. To make the most of it, however, and ensure you get what you’re looking for exactly, your tub-to-shower conversion has to be planned properly.

Make Sure You Have Enough Space
Your toilet area may start to look crowded as you replace your tub with a shower. You need to pay close attention to your bathroom space as you plan out your project so it won’t feel cramped when you go to use it. We recommend keeping your new shower glass at least 15 inches away from the center of your toilet, but you can skimp a little if it ends up being smaller than this.
Take Time Finding the Right Fixtures
Research the best options for your budget, so look for specials and possible combos. It doesn’t have to be all from the same brand; you can even use fixtures from two separate companies if they look great together.
Other Things to Watch Out for When Converting
Before the remodeling process starts, you need to check your pipes to see if they’re still in good condition. If not, you’ll need to replace them so you can avoid issues with the installation and ongoing functioning. Don’t forget to check your subfloor for mildew, mold and rot, and, if found, have it addressed. Also, consider upgrading your shower valve to a single-handle, pressure-balancing valve that has good volume and temperature control.
You might think that you can handle a bathroom conversion on your own, but it’s really more complicated than you think. For best results, hire a trusted tub-to-shower expert to help you out every step of the way. Call our bathroom conversion contractors at Elite Bathrooms LuxStone of Long Island at [company_number], or fill out our convenient online contact form to get started. Talk to us today!